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"Sacrifice Cliff"
Art by Giorgio Iannotti

It took me maybe eight or nine years of living in Billings to discover that a section of the southern rims actually had a name, and it took me eleven years to figure out why it was called that. Most natural formations are named after people or places or things they look like. But this cliff, Sacrifice Cliff, had a story behind it. Actually, it has two stories behind it, both pretty much the same apart from the main characters, and no one is really sure if this cliff is actually the cliff referred to in the story and not some other cliff in the nearby area, so that could be the reason why the story behind the naming of Sacrifice Cliff eluded me (and probably many locals) for so long. The story I've written and Giorgio illustrated is one of those tales. The other version has two young lovers instead of soldiers sacrificing themselves. I could've gone with either version but the solider story was more to my liking. Also, I referenced a poem by Bette Wolf Duncan, and I make no bones about how much I'm indebted to it for my own comic. I readily admit I don't have a good knowledge base of Crow Indian history and beliefs, so if I've completely missed the mark on some things, I apologize. I wasn't going necessarily for historical realism as I was trying to capture the spirit of the story.

What is Magic City? It is humor, it is drama, it is hope, it is despair, it is normal, it is weird, it is under-standable, and it is unintelligible. It is a town growing into a city, trying to find its identity. This may or may not capture that correctly nor will it attempt to do so. If it does, then all the better. Magic City is an idea sprung from the mind of one Greg Thelen. He lives in the Magic City better known to the rest of the world as Billings, Montana, U.S.A. This takes place in that town-growing-into-a-city, and it is not bound by any rules or restrictions other than what comes out of its creators' minds and hands. One story will be funny, the next will be sad, the next will leave you scratching your head, the next will give you an inexplicable emotion. Whatever may happen from here on out, we hope you will be entertained, and that you will come back for more.

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Questions, comments, praises, furious rants? Email the writer at:
greg.thelen @ gmail.com
(c) copyright 2007 and beyond, Greg Thelen. Do not steal artwork for your own nefarious purposes. It belongs to its respective artist.